Hi, how can we help you?
Quick actions
Account & verifications
New users, creating an account, logging in, verification, account settings, security settings, and business accounts.
Euro deposit & withdrawals
Deposit and withdraw euros
Buy, sell & API
Order types, trading, assets, & the API
Crypto deposits & withdrawals
Deposits, withdrawals, and hosted wallets
Listings, delistings & swaps
Information about cryptocurrency swaps, rebrandings or delistings of cryptocurrency.
Information about delisting crypto assets.
Information about listing new crypto assets.
Fraud & account safety
Fraud, scams, and phishing emails/texts
Articles with information about phishing
Articles with information about different types of fraud and how to recognize fraud
Articles about varying types of scams.
Account limits (compliance) & monitoring
(Withdrawal) limits and transaction monitoring
Transaction history & taxes
Transaction history, balance statements, and taxes
About Bitvavo & contact
Contact, feedback, requests, company details and regulatory information