How does adding new crypto (listing) to Bitvavo work?
How does adding new crypto (listing) to Bitvavo work? How does adding new crypto (listing) to Bitvavo work?

How does adding new crypto (listing) to Bitvavo work?

This article describes the process of adding new crypto to Bitvavo. It includes three phases: deposits/withdrawals, auction, and regular trading. Each phase is detailed below.

Phases of adding new crypto (listing)

Deposits & Withdrawals:

Bitvavo opens deposits and withdrawals for the new crypto. Users can then send the new crypto to and from their Bitvavo account. During this phase, the markets are still inactive.


After the deposit and withdrawal phase and before regular trading is activated, the market is inactive. During an inactive market, users can place orders. These orders are executed during the auction before transitioning to regular trading.

Regular Trading:

After the auction, the market transitions to regular trading mode. This trading mode uses a limit order book for executing limit and market orders.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find a list of all your crypto? 

You can find a complete list of all our markets and coins here:

When will a new crypto be available on Bitvavo?

We cannot specify in advance when a crypto will be available on Bitvavo. We carefully research each crypto before adding it. If you want to see a specific crypto on Bitvavo, email us at Updates about new crypto can be found on our blog, Twitter account, and Instagram.

What different statuses can a market have?

Market status: Halted

When markets are halted, users can:

  • Place new limit and market orders.
  • Cancel existing limit and market orders.

These orders are not executed during a halted market. These orders take place before the market transitions to regular trading mode. It is designed to determine a fair opening price.

Note: If the markets are halted, there are no updates in the order book.

Market status: Auction

When markets are in an auction, users cannot place orders or cancel existing orders. This process usually takes less than a second.

The opening price is the price at which a digital currency is traded when opening a new market. To determine the opening price, Bitvavo takes into account all placed orders. Then the opening price will be set at the point where the most units of the base currency lie. All placed orders that can be matched will be compared with the same opening price. At a more detailed level, the opening price is calculated with the following steps:

  1. Active limit orders are used to determine the price at which most units of the base currency are traded. If there is no price where transactions occur, all outstanding market orders are canceled and normal trading resumes.
  2. If a price is obtained in the previous step, this price is used to prevent "self trades" according to the policy specified when the latest order was placed.
  3. The remaining active limit orders are used to obtain a (possibly new) price at which the most units of the base currency are traded. If there is no price where transactions occur, all outstanding market orders are canceled and normal trading resumes.
  4. Orders are compared based on price-time priority, and all orders are considered "taker" orders. This means that the oldest market orders are filled first, at the price determined in the previous step. Once there are no more orders in the market, the limit order with the best price is filled first, at the price determined in the previous step. When no more orders are compared against the established price, all remaining market orders are canceled and normal trading resumes.

Market status: Trading

This is the normal trading mode, where users can place limit and market orders that are executed immediately.

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