Company details Bitvavo

Bitvavo wants to be completely transparent about everything we do. Therefore the most important company details are set out below.

  1. Location
    Keizersgracht 281, Amsterdam.
  2. Chamber of Commerce number
    68743424 (Bitvavo B.V.).
    69228922 (Stichting Bitvavo Payments).
  3. Bank Account details
    NL23 BUNQ 2291 2341 29 - (Stichting Bitvavo Payments)
    FR76 276 331 212 901 010 208 332 71 - (Stichting Bitvavo Payments)
    ES14 157 612 121 610 102 032 46 - (Stichting Bitvavo Payments)
    IE48 BUNQ 990 385 201 038 50 - (Stichting Bitvavo Payments)


If you are looking for other company details about Bitvavo, please contact our support team by sending an email to

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