Crypto and tax in Belgium

Bitvavo is not a banking institution. As a result, you do not have an account number with us, but an online account. We manage your funds in so-called hosted wallets. These are not in your possession and do not represent a bank account. You can learn more about this in this article.

You can provide the following information to your tax authorities:

  • Your bank statements for funds deposited with Bitvavo.
  • Your crypto deposit addresses, which can be found by following the steps in this support article.
  • Your complete transaction history is downloadable as a .CSV file.

You can download your transaction overview by following this link and then pressing the download button. It is located in the upper right corner of the screen. You can then import the .CSV file into Excel by following the steps on this page.

Additionally, we have a great collaboration with Blockpit, where you can easily handle your tax return. Learn more about it through this link.

You can also obtain a complete guide on taxes in Belgium through our partner Blockpit.

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