Bitvavo X Bit Broker Trade

Bit Broker Trade is an automatic Bitcoin Trader, which trades in the exchange rate difference between Bitcoin and Euro. Because not everyone can make a so-called 'Trading Bot', Bit Broker Trade has made this for you. With predefined MACD method, expanded with algorithms and specifications, you can benefit from trading opportunities 24/7!

Step 1 ) Create a Bit Broker Trade account

  1. Go to Bit Broker Trade, enter your personal details, choose a secure password and confirm your e-mail address.


  1. Go to Bit Broker Trade, click on 'Add exchange' at the top right of the screen.
  2. Under 'Exchanges' choose Bitvavo.
  3. Enter your API Key at 'API Key' (as explained in step 3).
  4. Finally, enter your API Secret under 'API Secret' (as explained in step 3).

Step 3) Request API Keys at Bitvavo

  1. Go to Bitvavo and click on 'Request new API Key'.
  2. Enter the requested data, leaving IP Whitelist empty and choose to only view (a) data and (b) buy and sell.
  3. Enter your 2FA code and click on confirm. If you have not yet set up 2FA, read this article.
  4. Your API key + API secret will be visible and only needs to complete e-mail confirmation.
  5. Enter the given API key + API secret at Bit Broker Trade (see step 2).

Step 4) Start the trader

  1. Go to Bit Broker Trade and click on 'Top up' to buy 'Credits'.
  2. The trader starts automatically when the credit balance is positive.
  3. Finish the order and let the Trader do the work for you.
  4. As soon as the trader makes a profit, the Credits (20% of the profit) are debited.



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