Recurring Buy

Bitvavo offers a convenient Recurring Buy feature that allows you to automatically buy cryptocurrencies from your Euro balance. This cost-averaging feature is also often referred to as Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) on platforms where the base currency is the US Dollar, and it enables you to invest in cryptocurrencies without needing to constantly monitor the market.

Bitvavo fills these orders at a random timestamp on the day you selected for your recurring purchase. This randomization is in place to prevent market manipulation and front-running. If you want to execute a trade at a specific timestamp of your choosing, we recommend placing the trade manually.

By making use of the Recurring Buy feature, you authorize and grant Bitvavo the right to deduct funds and fees directly from your Bitvavo account at a random timestamp on the day you selected for your recurring purchase. You understand and agree that the amount of any Recurring Buy depends on the market price of the applicable cryptocurrency at the time of the transaction, and will only be determined once the transaction is executed.

Setting up a Recurring Buy

  1. Log in to your Bitvavo app.
  2. In your wallet, tap on the "Recurring Buy" section (this is only available in our app, not on the website).
  3. Choose the cryptocurrency you want to purchase regularly, from a variety of available cryptocurrencies.
  4. Choose the day of the month you want to make your recurring purchase.
  5. Enter the amount in Euro that you'd like to purchase of the selected cryptocurrency each month. This is the amount that will be automatically deducted from your Euro balance.
  6. After choosing your cryptocurrency, selecting the preferred day of the month, and specifying the Euro amount, click "Preview" to proceed.

Set up automatic EUR transfer

To do so, you need the following information:


Please note that every Bitvavo account has a unique description that needs to be included with the deposit. When you choose EUR deposit, SEPA, fill in an amount and click continue, you will see a description consisting of 10 characters (capitals and numbers). 

When the deposit is received by us, we will send you a confirmation by email. You can then immediately purchase digital currency in our app or on our website. 

Deleting a Recurring Buy

  1. To easily delete a Recurring Buy order, go to the Recurring Buy section in the Wallet.
  2. Tap on the Recurring Buy you wish to delete and then click on the three dots icon on the top right.
  3. Select the "Cancel" option to cancel the recurring purchase. Canceling a Recurring Buy means you won't make any more automated purchases of the asset.


What happens if my Euro balance on Bitvavo doesn't cover my next Recurring Buy order?

In this case, the order will not be executed. Your Recurring Buy will take place on the following scheduled purchase date, unless you delete it or don't have enough funds in your Euro balance.

Are there any fees that apply?

Yes, the regular fees for trades also apply to Recurring Buy purchases. By default, taker fees apply for each Recurring Buy purchase. If you do not have enough available Euros, the purchase will not be made.

When will my order be executed?

Bitvavo executes the order at a random time within the day you've chosen for your recurring purchase, and this time varies for each execution. This randomization is in place to prevent market manipulation and front-running. If you want to execute a trade at a specific time, we recommend placing the trade manually.

Can I cancel and/or edit my Recurring Buy order any time?

Yes, you can always cancel a Recurring Buy. It's not yet possible to edit a Recurring Buy order after setting it up.

Can I have multiple Recurring Buy orders for the same asset?

Yes, this is possible. You can set up as many Recurring Buys as you want, including for the same asset.

Will I receive a reminder before my next Recurring Buy order is executed?

You will receive a notification 3 days before your scheduled purchase for both upcoming transactions and if your balance is too low. These notifications will be sent via email, push message, and inbox message. You will also receive notifications for both successful and unsuccessful executions of your Recurring Buy order.

Where can I track my overall investments made through Recurring Buy?

You can find this information in both your complete transaction history and the detailed view of each transaction within your Recurring Buy.

What happens when trading of a coin is halted or when the coin is delisted?

When a coin gets delisted and trading of the coin gets halted, your recurring buy will be cancelled.

Are there any market movement conditions I can determine for my purchase execution?

Every order will be scheduled randomly on the day of execution. In case you want to determine more detailed conditions yourself, we recommend you manually set up your orders.

Can I see the PnL of my Recurring Buy purchases?

No, currently you cannot see an overview of the gains from your Recurring Buy purchases.

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