(Automated) Recurring Transfers

Ensure you always have the funds you need for your trades by setting up a recurring transfer from your bank account. Most banks make it easy to set up and you can find all the details you need for the transfer in your Bitvavo account.

The steps for setting up a recurring transfer will differ slightly depending on your bank, however, as a general guide:

  1. Open your banking app on your mobile device or on the web.
  2. Choose the “Transfer” option to set up a new transfer.
  3. Find the transfer details in your Bitvavo account. You can find this information when you start a deposit on Bitvavo and select the “Bank transfer (SEPA)” option from the payment methods. When you get to the “Bank transfer” screen, you’ll see information like this:


  4. The important information that must be included:
    • The amount you’d like to transfer on a recurring basis.
    • In the option to schedule your transfer, you'll usually find a field to adjust the frequency so that the transfer is executed weekly, monthly, etc.
    • The “Account name” from Bitvavo goes in the field for recipient name.
    • The “Bank account” number from Bitvavo goes in the field for account number, also called IBAN.
    • The “Payment reference” from Bitvavo must be included with your transfer. It consists of 10 characters (capitals and numbers). The payment reference may be called something different in your specific banking app. Transfers without a payment reference will not be deposited to your account, rather they will be automatically refunded to your bank account within 2 business days.
Note: It is important to include the exact payment reference you see in Bitvavo. Do not add any other text to your payment reference. If the payment reference does not match exactly, the deposit will fail and the funds will be returned to your bank account.

Because the specific instructions for setting up a recurring transfer vary depending on your bank, you can also check your bank's help center for more info. Here are links to instructions for setting up a recurring transfer at ING, ABN AMRO, and Rabobank.

You will get an email confirmation once we receive the transfer. Then you can purchase digital currency right away or make sure you have enough balance for your scheduled recurring buys.

What happens to my recurring deposits when I close my Bitvavo account?

Recurring deposits that are made after you close your Bitvavo account will be automatically returned to your bank account. You will have to disable the recurring transfers from your bank environment.

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