Bitvavo X Crypto Bot

Connect Crypto Bot with Bitvavo and trade all markets automatically!


Crypto bot is an automated software that helps you buy and sell cryptocurrencies at the right time. The main purpose of this software is to increase revenues and reduce losses and risks. 

Step 1) Create a Crypto Bot account

Go to Crypto Bot, click sign-up and enter your personal details, choose a secure password and confirm your email address (and optionally set a 2FA code for extra security).Screenshot_2022-02-23_16.24.10.png

Step 2) Connect Crypto Bot with the API details

  1. Set exchange to Bitvavo;
  2. Fill in the API key (see step 3);
  3. Fill in the Secret key (see step 3)


Step 3) Request API key from Bitvavo

  1. Go to Bitvavo and click on 'Request New API Key';
  2. Fill in the requested details, leave IP Whitelist empty and choose to only (a) view data and (b) buy and sell;
  3. Enter your 2FA code and click confirm. If you have not set up 2FA yet, read this article;
  4. Your API key + API secret will be visible and you only need to fill out an email confirmation;
  5. Enter the given API key + Secret key into Crypto Bot (see step 3).
    Note: Enable View information and Trade digital currencies!

Now that Crypto Bot is connected to the exchange, buy and sell settings can be set, such as: minimum/maximum deposit, profit percentages and a security level. Crypto Bot then automatically determines the strategy based on your settings and will now start trading automatically.

Good to know:

  • Manual trading remains possible;
  • Buying and selling can be activated separately;
  • CRYPTO BOT analyses the market every second so you won't miss any buying and selling moments.

Have fun trading!

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