Notifications and personalized offers
Notifications and personalized offers Notifications and personalized offers

Notifications and personalized offers

Users can configure themselves to be kept up-to-date with the latest developments on the Bitvavo platform, to receive personalised offers or to be notified of certain notifications.

You can enable or disable certain settings as follows:

1. Login to your Bitvavo account.

2. Click on your name in the top-right corner of your screen and choose “Settings”.


3. Navigate to the subheading "Notifications".


4. Turn notifications on or off.

  • Enable marketing emails if you want to be informed about certain developments and receive personalised offers.
  • Enable deposit notifications if you wish to receive an e-mail once a deposit has been processed.
  • Enable withdrawal notifications if you would like to receive an email once a withdrawal has been processed.
  • Enable distribution notifications if you want to receive an e-mail when you receive digital currency from Bitvavo (staking).
  • Enable security notifications if you want to receive an e-mail when a login attempt fails.

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